
Becky's Island Music Trivia Quiz #551 - 7/20/11

One Song: We Didn't Start The Fire


1. What President is mentioned first in the song?: Harry Truman
2. What country is mentioned first in the song?
: China
3. Of Joe DiMaggio, Mickey Mantle, or Yogi Berra, who is not mentioned in the song?
: Yogi Berra
4. This car, made in South Bend, Indiana, is mentioned in the first verse.
: Studebaker
5. Of Sugar Ray Robinson, Muhammad Ali, or Sonny Liston, which boxer is not mentioned in the song?
: Muhammad Ali
6. What philosopher's death is mentioned?
: George Santayana
7. Who succeeded Joseph Stalin in life and in the song?
: Malenkov
8. What artificial fabric is mentioned?
: Dacron
9. What city's got a winning team?
: Brooklyn
10. Trouble in the Suez took place in what country?
: Egypt
11. What birth-defect causing drug is mentioned in the song?
: Thalidomide
12. No, Bono's not in the song, but these two letters are mentioned (they're actually a designation of a spy plane).
: U-2
13. What Alfred Hitchcock movie is mentioned?
: Psycho
14. With what event does he stop the year-by-year recollection of events?
: John F. Kennedy's assassination
15. What two 1969 events are mentioned?
: Woodstock and the moon landing
16. Where do the Russians go?
: Afghanistan
17. What advertising campaign finally ends the song?
: Rock and roller cola wars, and I can't take it anymore, either.

Bonus: Who are the only two people mentioned twice in the song?: Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy

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