Just in time for President's Day...oops! This week's trivia quiz involves songs by artists who share their names with former Presidents of the United States. I give you the song title - you give me the artist.
Get ready, get on your mark, 1-2-3, let's start!
1. Just the Two of Us
2. Cuts Like A Knife
3. White Rabbit
4. Blue Moon of Kentucky
5. Off The Wall
6. Fire and Rain
7. Crackerbox Palace
8. Total Eclipse of the Heart
9. Electric Avenue
10. Theme from Shaft
11. Show and Tell
12. Bluer Than Blue
13. Debbie Gibson Is Pregnant With My Two Headed Love Child
14. Sixteen Tons
15. Patches
16. Atomic Dog
17. Glycerine
18. Bonus: What Chicago song title features the full name of a president? And what Presidential university did its writer attend?