
Becky's Island Music Trivia Quiz #424 - 4/8/09

Fictional People in Songs

You know these people...even though none of them are real. What songs do they appear in?

1. Billy Shears
2. Virgil Caine
3. Annie Bonneau
4. Maxwell Edison
5. Becky Thompson
6. Father MacKenzie
7. Jim Walker and Willie McCoy
8. Mary Moon
9. August West
10. Anna Lee
11. Bobby Taylor and Shirley Thompson
12. Mary Hill
13. Louie Miller, Jenny Diver, Sukey Tawdry, and Lucy Brown
14. Alvin Tostig
15. Desmond and Molly Jones
16. Old Cody Junior
17. Billy Mack

Bonus: Seth Amos

Good Luck!!!

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