Becky's Island Music Trivia Quiz #1 - 2/16/01

Who Are You?


1. Richard Starkey: Ringo Starr

2. Philip Chapman: Phil Lesh (Grateful Dead)

3. Sylvester Stewart: Sly Stone

4. Al Greene: Al Green

5. John Baldwin: John Paul Jones (Led Zeppelin)

6. David Jones: David Bowie

7. Carole Klein: Carole King

8. Steven Tallarico: Steven Tyler (Aerosmith)

9. Faroukh Bulsara: Freddie Mercury (Queen)

10. Chaim Witz: Gene Simmons (Kiss)

11. Michael Anthony Sobolewski: Michael Anthony (Van Halen)

12. James Johnson: Rick James

13. Joan Larkin: Joan Jett

14. Stewart Goddard: Adam Ant

15. Hugh Cregg III: Huey Lewis

16. Georgios Panayiotou: George Michael

17. Edward Mueller: Eddie Vedder (Pearl Jam)


18. Francisco Repilado:
Compay Segundo (Buena Vista Social Club)

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